
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

Frederick Douglass said “it is easier to train strong children than to repair broken men”. At Detroit Hope Center, we believe this to our core. It is one of the foundational principles upon which this ministry is built. The greatest thing that could ever happen for the city of Detroit would be a generation that comes behind us loving God and loving people.
DHC Kids is high energy, exciting, fun church in a language and setting that is engaging, and easy to apply for kids ages 4-11. Your child will be checked-in to a safe environment with well-trained and responsible staff members. Kids will be engaged through games, songs, and teaching from the Word of God. They will learn to express themselves using their talents, abilities and personalities to worship God through presentations and music, sign language, action songs, and many other creative ways. DHC Kids brings hope to families by expressing love, demonstrating character, and pointing children toward a relationship with Jesus.

Kids Church Schedule

Sunday | 11:00am

Detroit Hope Center kids church happens every Sunday during our morning service. You will check your kids in with our staff when you arrive and they will come back into the main service before we dismiss. They are going to have a blast!

Kids Outings

Throughout the year, there will be many opportunities for your child to be part of amazing events and outings. There are kids camps, fun days, outreach days, and much more. You can see our kids church staff for more details.

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